Thursday, September 18, 2014

Magyar Élet Ausztrália

Magyar Élet – Hungarian Life is the only weekly Hungarian newspaper in Australia.
It is a magazine type publication serving the Hungarian community dispersed over this vast continent. For many decades it has been the main source of information for both local and overseas political, cultural, social events. The newspaper linked together communities and individuals across Australia, also providing vital information about the country which was still new to them. It was also a bridge linking them with the old countries they came from.
Magyar Élet – Hungarian Life is published every Thursday, 50 times a year. Format is tabloid, currently has 16 pages.
Its first issue was published in 1957 in Melbourne. At the time it was only distributed only in Victoria.  Since 1977, when it merged with the Sydney based Ausztráliai Magyarság, it has become a national newspaper.
Compared to the number of Hungarians in Australia, the 6-7000 subscriptions meant that over the past four decades almost every Hungarian household, club, organization had this publication on their coffee tables. A number of overseas subscriptions had also been received Magyar Élet Ausztrália, mainly from New Zealand, Hungary and the US.
The newspaper is being run from two locations: the head office is located in Melbourne, while the second office is in Sydney. This is where the Editor in Chief, as well as the Sydney Editor is located.
Magyar Élet – Hungarian Life has always been a self-sustained enterprise, never received any grants, or support in any shape or form from any government agency or private corporation in Australia or overseas. It has always maintained its independence, which allowed a level of editorial freedom envied by many other publications.
After the 1989 events it was believed that, as many other small ethnic newspapers born mainly out of the need to bridge the isolation and be the voice of nations silenced under communist rule, Magyar Élet – Hungarian Life would also become irrelevant. Most similar publications have not survived the fall of communism and the Internet revolution. This newspaper however keeps soldering on, relying on the support of a small but loyal community. Today it is one of about three Hungarian immigrant newspapers still in existence across all continents.
We hope that this website will help extend its lifespan.

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